The Best WYSIWYG HTML Editors

4 min readJan 8, 2021


An HTML editor is the first tool to help you develop a website. However, you can also use Windows Notepad to create a website, but that won’t be useful. In fact, a good HTML editor does two things very well. The first performs syntax highlighting, and the second does autocomplete. It also offers a good spell checker, page preview, line numbers, and visual and text editor. Here are the best WYSIWYG HTML editors that we have picked for you.

what does html editor


It is built according to the WYSIWYG principle in the HTML editor of Adobe Systems. The user interface and functionality are not clear as it is more structured than Microsoft FrontPage. However, Dreamweaver creates correct and valid HTML encodings in large projects and also supports other software languages “like PHP.” We recommend Dreamweaver for professional web developers. For novice web developers who want to create a web page quickly and easily, this program is not suitable.

Microsoft FrontPage

Based on the WYSIWYG principle, Microsoft FrontPage is the most widely used editor. It stands out more than other editors thanks to its attractive and easy-to-use interface and site or link management. FrontPage is very suitable for small web pages. However, when creating large websites, page and section management becomes increasingly difficult as the content of the page. The section must also be classified. For this reason, erroneous coding can occur in between.

Adobe GoLive

Due to its complexity in this editor, it is more suitable for professionals and experienced web developers. With the help of many different elements, it is possible to simplify complex page configurations with the “Drag & Drop” method. GoLive supports PHP and is used in Microsoft Windows operating systems as well as Mac OS operating systems. Dreamweaver, both products of Adobe Systems, will gradually replace the WYSIWYG editor.

NetObjekts Fusion

This HTML editor is a product of Websidepros company. A WYSIWYG editor with a simple and straightforward interface, this program is suitable for beginner and novice web developers. NetObjects Fusion supports PHP and other dynamic content and thus is suitable for both small and large websites. In addition, there are many web or HTML editors. Novice web developers should make sure that the editors chosen for web page design are based on the WYSIWYG principle. As the name suggests, with this, you can monitor every step and control directly. In pure text editors, the code must be entered directly, so it is necessary to have HTML knowledge. Also, the chosen web editor must support PHP.

Notepad ++

Notepad ++ is an open-source code editor that can be downloaded completely free of charge from the official website. Both 32 bit and 64-bit versions are compatible with Windows only. The installer file size of this free HTML editor is only 2.7MB due to its language written in C ++. You can use Notepad with different languages because of its popularity among the large community and global users. One can customize the user interface and can decide how to highlight and fold a syntax. Although the user interface does not look as easy as its other counterparts, it will still be easy to use.

Google Web Designer

Google web designer is an advanced web application made with HTML5 that lets you design and create HTML5 ads and other web content using an integrated visual and code interface. You can create content and animate objects in a timeline using drawing tools, text, and 3d objects from the google web designer design view. After you finish creating your content, google web designer offers HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript elements that can be read by users. When creating advertising creatives with google web designer, you can use a component library that allows you to add image galleries, videos, ad network tools, and more. Google web designer code view allows you to create CSS, Javascript, and XML files using syntax highlighting and auto code completion features that make typing your code easier and with fewer errors.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a cross-platform source code editor and text editor with many programming language interfaces. Functional features can be extended with the help of sublime-packages, but Sublime Text is not open source or free software. If you are using it continuously, it will give a message that you get the license in between.

Visual Studio Code

This includes debugging, embedded Git checking, syntax highlighting, smart code completion, snippets, and code reconstruction support. It is customizable so that users can change the editor’s theme, keyboard shortcuts, and preferences. Although the official download is under a proprietary license, it is free and open source.

Atom Editor

Atom multiplatform text editor found on the Github open-source software site is a code editor, as the name suggests. This editor makes code writing easier and is completely free. Atom has been downloaded by 1.5 million people since the day it was launched and has reached over 500,000 people. You can pretty much customize everything on this editor.

What Does HTML Offer?

  • Enables content such as visuals, text, and videos to be positioned on the web page.
  • Ensures that these contents are displayed correctly on websites.
  • Gives information to search engines about websites.

There is no need to install a program on the computer to write HTML code; one can write it without a program. A mid-text editor like Wordpad, notepad, or word can create HTML pages. Tools like Notepad ++ can be used to make writing code easier. When saving the written HTML codes, it must be saved in a way that browsers such as HTML, XHTML, and HTML5 can understand.

Conclusion on WYSIWYG HTML Editors

We have talked about a few WYSIWYG HTML Editors in this article. We hope you use some of these, and it works for you.

